Sunday 17 May 2009

[students] Cottage Pie

Okay, so this reciepe may seem obvious, however i had never made one before till friday night, i made it up as i went along and it went down a treat ^_^
1 x onion
3 x carrots
1 x cup of frozen peas
Morrisons own gravy granules (the horrible yellow packet one- decieving as it makes the best thick gravy)
400g mince
6 large potatoes
mozzarella cheese
Giant yorkshire pudding

* peel and chop potatoes, Boil until very soft
* heat oil , gently cook chopped onion
* brown off mince
* slice carrot length ways in four, then chop into smaller cm2, the smaller the better
* add carrot and peas into pan
* make up a thick cup of gravy, add sprinklings of dried herbs
* mash potatoes in with a tablespoon of butter and add milk until creamy, if mix is sticky add more milk
* place mince in a casserole dish
* add mash on top
* add mozzarella (it can be any cheese, but we thought the moz really made this)
* bake in the oven until piping hot
* pop giant yorkshire pud in the oven
* serve in the yorkshire pudding and make up some more gravy (complete with herbs)

Depends on how much you need in a siting, Personally this could have served 5 people easily. i got four servings out of it, because it was so tasty i had to keep going back for more!

Enjoy ^_^ if you have any different suggestions we want to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of this pie before - I am going to have to try this!! Come check out my blog when you get a chance and maybe follow me too :)
